With Taobao Southeast Asia (sea.taobao.com) launched with forwarding agents delivering to Singapore and Malaysia, I’ve decided to give it a try since I have no problem reading Chinese.
The site provided a comprehensive guide on how to register your address with the forwarding agent. Signing up with Alipay.com to pay with my VISA/MasterCard is also a breeze since the sign-up is linked with the membership registration.
After signing up for the member on sea.taobao.com and choosing 4PX as my forwarding agent back to Singapore. I can now proceed with the real shopping!
Having always wanted to try working with remote flash triggers and a secondary flash, hence decided to place order for the Yongnuo YN560-III Speedlite and the Yongnuo RF-603 N1 wireless transceivers.
The cost of the Yongnuo YN560-III cost 343 CNY inclusive of 10 CNY delivery cost (SGD 74.33). The Yongnuo RF-603N1 cost 151 CNY inclusive of 8 CNY delivery cost (SGD 32.72).